• ACODE 89 – Cyber Security in Learning and Teaching

    ACODE 89 – Cyber Security in Learning and Teaching

    Join your Sector colleagues in this fully online workshop while we delve into Cyber Security in the L&T context.  The day will feature a keynote from Thomas King, a mini CAUDIT workshop, report-back on the AI Survey, and collaboration sessions looking at strategies, tactics and tools supporting Cyber acuity for both our student cohorts, teaching…

  • ACODE 88 – AI for student and staff productivity

    ACODE 88 – AI for student and staff productivity

    It should come as no surprise to anybody involved in technology enhanced learning that the recent advent of ChatGPT, and more broadly AI Transformers, has put the preverbal cat among the pigeons over the last couple of months. If you have been following our recent Forum posts you will have also seen that there is…

  • ACODE 87 – Academic Integrity in assessment and examinations

    ACODE 87 – Academic Integrity in assessment and examinations

    A lot has transpired since the ACODE 81 workshop (e-Assessment: practices, challenges, opportunities) and new challenges have emerged around examinations particularly as it relates to assessment security, academic integrity and eProctoring. At the same time, the risks linked to the latest generation of artificial intelligence tools are quickly becoming real threats to our well-established approaches…

  • ACODE Benchmarking Summit 2022

    ACODE Benchmarking Summit 2022

    Remember the webinar Pre Benchmarking summit : This should help you to navigate the tools and make the series a rewarding experience for your institutions  The webinar will be held Friday 29th April 2022 11.30am AEST please follow this link:   Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/89985491849?pwd=ZWs2eWp0WmZJeDY1Q3BpUUFneVowUT09     Password: 656043 For recordings…

  • ACODE 86 – Converting the promise into #anewreality

    ACODE 86 – Converting the promise into #anewreality

    The focus, as you might get from the title is all about making this achievable and sustainable moving forward. Or do we all still have to wait another 12 months to 2 years for the next big thing to come along, or for headsets to get cheaper? In other words, what are some of the…

  • ACODE 85 – Making the complex accessible with smart solutions

    ACODE 85 – Making the complex accessible with smart solutions

    “The diverse nature of university students, aided and abetted by the growth of pervasive learning technologies, has made the passive classroom an obsolete solution. The contemporary campus is a dynamic eco-system where ‘flexible’ Learning Spaces are valued according to their interactive capability – measured in terms of accessibility and availability.  The ‘dynamic’ Learning Space, whether…

  • ACODE 84

    ACODE 84

    Virtual Learning: from survival to purpose The last 30 year has seen a gradual and progressive shift in the delivery of distance and elearning. 2020 saw a vast acceleration in the use of educational technologies, such that online delivery is increasingly accepted as a normal part of a student’s educational experience. The transition has also…

  • ACODE 83

    ACODE 83

    Online  COVID-19 brought many challenges for higher education that are still being worked through. For our students and educators, collaboration and groupwork have taken on a new virtual dimension.  In our COVID-19 reality, how can we continue reap the benefits of collaboration and groupwork for students’ learning? How does collaboration and groupwork in learning and…

  • ACODE 82

    ACODE 82

      Online Higher Education was perhaps one of the first industries disrupted world-wide by COVID-19 which presented as an immediate crisis and created challenges that required urgent resolution. In reality the Higher Education sector was already dealing with a number of issues that were causing disturbance of their own including technology-driven disruption to traditional teaching…

  • Benchmarking Summit 2020

    Benchmarking Summit 2020

    *Now online from the August 31 for eight weeks To participate each Institution must do a minimum of 2 Benchmarks We will do one Benchmark a week beginning on the 31st August between 10 – 12 AEST   Benchmark 1 – 31st August Benchmark 2 – 7th September  https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/93196755260?pwd=WnBxamhxUDFnMi9Ma0pUbXRaOE1SUT09    Password: 337122 Benchmark 3 – 14th…