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Emerging strategic themes across the Higher Education sector are increasingly referring to ‘the University of 2030’. Organisations such as the OECD, Universities Australia, Ernst & Young, Inside Higher Ed and others have recently produced reports looking ahead 12 years from now and many Australian and International Universities are also starting to build strategies which incorporate ‘next-generation’ planning in this time frame.

As ACODE representatives of our institutions, we will consider the impact of futures planning in our contexts – for example, what will TEL look like in 2030? What planning is happening now at our institutions for learning and teaching and student experience? What will be important for our VCs (and us) to be thinking about now, in terms of teaching and learning.

In this workshop, we will be taking the future view from the student, staff and institutional outlook and considering how we can lay foundations for ongoing success for each of these dimensions. We will explore and build action plans using the ACODE TEL Framework and Benchmarks (and other relevant tools of your choice!) to develop ideas and actions to prepare for our 2030 projections. We have prepared some pre-reading for the summer holidays before you arrive!

ACODE 78 will take place at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies (IMAS) which is a teaching and research institute of the University of Tasmania. IMAS is “dedicated to educating and mentoring the next generation of world leaders in science, technology, and policy” … a fitting location for ACODE 78 ‘The University of 2030’. Please join us at IMAS in Hobart, March 13th and 14th.


