A lot has transpired since the ACODE 81 workshop (e-Assessment: practices, challenges, opportunities) and new challenges have emerged around examinations particularly as it relates to assessment security, academic integrity and eProctoring. At the same time, the risks linked to the latest generation of artificial intelligence tools are quickly becoming real threats to our well-established approaches to examinations. Come join us to discuss current practices in examinations, academic integrity as well as explore ideas to address the upheaval from new technologies.
The Workshop will begin at :
7:00am for Western Australia
8:30am for Northern Territory
9:00am for Queensland
9:30am for South Australia
10:00am for VIC, ACT, NSW and Tas
12:00 midday for New Zealand
Workshop Link : 17th November
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/83332044554?pwd=czJEVkJmc25rdFBxMnFQaHVsRjh5dz09
Password: 639227
AGM and Business meeting Link: 18th November
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://aarnet.zoom.us/j/85486906749?pwd=QU1jeEhDeXgxbnZISGcxRjZaU2haZz09
Password: 713115
- ACODE 87 Workshop Program.pdf
- ACODE 87 Recordings.pdf
- Jason Stephens Natural v Normal.pdf
- Paul Denny Readings.pdf
- Speaker Bios.pdf
- Speaker Bios University of Melbourne.pdf
- ACODE AGM Agenda 2022.pdf
- AGM 2021 Minutes for Approval.pdf
- ACODE 87 Business Meeting Agenda.pdf
- ACODE 86 Business and Networking Meeting Agenda.pdf
- ACODE Financials 2021.pdf
- Executive Officers Report.pdf