- PD and support
- K-12 resources that support active learning, there are resources and videos on how teachers develop strategies for a better learning experience supported by research on how students learn
- CSU case study of taxonomy to support timetabling, assist in use of space for academics and staff
- This resource looks at framing research practice that contributes to, and raises fundamental questions about, the knowledge that is valuable in the creation of good places to learn. Whether one is designing, managing or inhabiting a learning place, there are kinds of knowledge that can beneficially affect the relations between one’s activities and surroundings. What does this mean for research? Are there directions in which learning space research might be steered, or ways it might be organised, that might improve the likelihood of useful discoveries? Read the report.
- Evaluation of learning spaces
- Associate Director, Learning Environments at VU, Lisa Germany created a site that brings together ideas and information from around the web that may be helpful for those of us who are engaged with improving learning spaces at an educational institutions
- NMC Horizon Report: 2017 Higher Education Edition
- Learning spaces as the “Third Teacher” based on the educators of the Reggio Emilia theory of learning, speaking of the environment as the ‘third educator’. A book has been published that supports this theory with 79 ideas for anyone embarking into the development and creation of learning spaces supported by pedagogy
- Gallery and ideas for learning spaces
- New Frontiers in designing the academic workplace
Educause ELI Initiatives
There is a really helpful learning space rating system developed through that community lead by Malcolm Brown and Phillip Long (see attached) or this link:
FLEXSpace for Learning Spaces
Click link to open resource.
FLEXSpace Virtual Tours
Click link to open resource.