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Virtual Learning: from survival to purpose

The last 30 year has seen a gradual and progressive shift in the delivery of distance and elearning. 2020 saw a vast acceleration in the use of educational technologies, such that online delivery is increasingly accepted as a normal part of a student’s educational experience. The transition has also been met with an increasing array of online tools, many of which do not form part of the organisation’s enterprise suite. As educator and educational designers, how do we purposefully navigate our way through the array of online tools to deliver authentic learning experiences with and for our students that will appropriately prepare them as graduates in the workforce. This workshop aims to explore the shift in thinking that has occurred in virtual learning over the last 12-24 months, from survival to purpose.

Workshop Link: 15th July

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Password: 831120  This meeting begins at 10.30am South Australian time.

Business Meeting Link 16th July 8.30am AEST

Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:

    Password: 168521  This meeting begins at 9.30am South Australian time


