ACODE 69 Banner

Convenors: Colin Carati & Lisa Germany


182 Victoria Square, Flinders University, Adelaide

Date. 5-6 November 2015

Learning ecology – ecosystems

noun, Ecology

  1. a system, or a group of interconnected elements, formed by the interaction of a community with their environment.

  2. any system or network of interconnecting and interacting parts

The approaches, systems and tools for learning and teaching are becoming increasingly varied and interdependent; so much so that terms such as ‘ecology’ and ‘ecosystem’ are used to describe not only the components of these systems, but the relationships between them.  This meeting will explore current concepts of the ‘learning ecology’ in University learning and teaching.  

Participants will have the opportunity to discuss and debate three themes: Designing the Future; the Health of the System; and Work and Life Readiness.  Provocations and input from speakers will be interspersed throughout the day.  It is intended that some form of communique for members and the broader sector will be produced as a consequence of this event.  


