A New Reality

Are you wondering what other Higher Education Institutions are doing around Immersive Learning and Emerging Technologies? 

Join us at Griffith University for a 2 day Immersive Learning event where those Colleagues who manage emerging technologies, and leading practitioners from across the Australasian Landscape will share their experiences, both at an Institutional and ‘on the ground’ development levels.

Represent your Institution

There is no rego costs for the event; however, you will be expected to participate in the ‘shared experience’ activities on behalf of your Institution.  

Numbers are limited, so we are asking that each Institution send a maximum of two (2) representatives.

Invite a Practitioner

If you have an Immersive Learning Innovator you’d like to invite, please feel free to register them.

Immerse yourself in the 360 Livestream

A series of 10 minute Quickfire sessions  will be recorded via live 360 streaming.  

Click into the ‘#anewreality Live Stream Page to experience the following sessions:

Day 1 AR/VR Quickfires 31st January| 1.15pm – 4pm (AEST)

Day 2 360/Immersive Video Quickfires  1st February | 11.40am – 1.15pm (AEST)

We look forward to seeing you there or online via the 360 livestream..

Register now for #anewreality


