2018 WinnerExLNT (Explore Learning & Teaching)

Griffith University, Learning Futures

The Griffith University Explore Learning and Teaching (ExLNT) platform is a resource sharing and engagement system designed to share learning experiences among teaching staff (e.g., case studies, student-centred activities, faculty stories of practice, face-to-face workshop registration, video, bibliographies, student activity walk-throughs and online learning modules).

The Judges were impressed by the system as a user-friendly tool for sharing good practice. There is considerable promise in the platform and its encouragement for staff to share their work for others to engage with. More than 9000 users from 88 countries have visited ExLNT to access the 280+ learning experiences in its 1st year of existence. 

Griffith are keen to share the ExLNT tool, including the database design, technical documents and code to institutions who wish to replicate the platform to offer to their learning and teaching community. Griffith would also welcome discussions for partnering in the dissemination of content from other institutions which they have done to a certain degree.   

The award was handed out at the 2018 ASCILITE Conference by A/Prof Philip Uys (Exec member) to Simone Poulsen Project Manager, Innovative Design and Development, Learning Futures, Griffith University who received the reward on behalf of the Learning Futures Team and Stakeholders at Griffith University.

Find out more about ExLNT (Explore Learning and Teaching) below.

